Garden Galavant

This game is a great opportunity to engage a new generation with historic gardens!

The Garden Galavant is a very special games session, designed to introduce children to the joys of garden history.

This unique spectacle has to be seen to be believed, but suffice to say it involves a race to gather flowers from a medieval mede, topiary hats, a hoard of rowdy cattle and sheep harrassing gentry over a haha, and lots of false moustaches. And the best bit is that I get to talk to lots of chest-high garden visitors about historic gardens.

How much does it cost?

Prices vary on detail but are around:
  • £180 for 45 minutes 
  • £220 for 1 hour 

Materials are included.

We’re additionally able to offer our gorgeous homemade bunting for decoration.

Every historic site is different, so we’re always sure to adapt the session to match the location. But the chuckles are uniform!

Our Garden Galavant game was originally sponsored by the Garden History Society, so you can be sure it’s spot on!

The Galavant is designed to show that:
  • There’s more to gardens than sunflowers and worms
  • Even our beloved lawns have a secret past
  • There have been some humdinger arguments about how to make a garden
  • Some garden stories are super-silly